Customer Experience
United E&C Improves Project Efficiency With Navan

How One Company Revolutionized Project Efficiency With Navan

Samantha Shankman

6 May 2024
2 minute read
United E&C Hero - Electricity Towers as Sun Sets

The complex world of energy generation and construction management requires efficiency and accuracy — two values that drove United Engineers and Constructors (United E&C) to overhaul its cumbersome, manual expense management processes. 

Jason Randall, the director of shared services, witnessed firsthand the time and effort squandered on creating, submitting, and processing expense reports — a workflow fraught with delays and devoid of visibility. This manual approach strained resources, obscured financial oversight, and left project leaders in the dark until employees finally submitted expenses.

United E&C sought a solution that would unify travel and expense processes, offer easy expense upload to its existing ERP system, and provide real-time spend visibility. 

Navan stood out for its integrated approach.

The Transformation: Swift, Simple, and Significant

Navan drove the company’s journey from traditional to transformative, streamlined operations, and fostered a culture of visibility and accountability.  

Implementation was seamless, with Navan’s team ensuring that United E&C’s policies and tools were perfectly aligned with the company’s needs. 

The results were immediate and impressive:

  • Time savings: The move to Navan slashed expense management efforts, saving the company over 30 hours each month. Reconciliation processes that dragged on for over a week shrunk to less than 60 minutes.
  • Financial clarity and control: Real-time visibility into expenses made financial planning proactive rather than reactive. Project codes became mandatory for every transaction, which allowed for accurate and immediate cost allocation.
  • Empowering employees: The simplicity and efficiency of Navan’s platform are universally praised within United E&C. Team members no longer dread expense reporting, thanks to the system’s user-friendly interface and swift reimbursement process. Administrators, freed from the tedium of compiling reports for executives, can now focus on more strategic tasks.
  • Strategic savings: The financial upside has also been substantial, with more than $260,000 saved in two years. The implementation of Navan also facilitated a more efficient travel booking process, which yielded a 22% savings rate on hotel bookings and encouraged a more cost-effective lead time for flight reservations.

By marrying efficiency with employee satisfaction, Navan has revolutionized how United E&C approaches travel and expense management.. Additionally, the Navan Rewards program stands out as a unique benefit: It allows employees to earn points for business hotel bookings that team members can use for personal travel

Thanks to an innovative platform that adapts to its evolving needs, United E&C is not only keeping pace with industry demands but also setting new standards for efficiency and employee empowerment.

Read the full story of how Navan helped transform United E&C’s T&E program.

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