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Guide: 3 Steps to Sustainable Spend Management

Guide: 3 Steps to Sustainable Spend Management

Samantha Shankman

September 23, 2021
1 minute read
Woman walking with luggage in the city

With sustainability now a mainstream conversation in business operations, a helpful step towards improving the bottom line can start with a peek behind the curtain at how sustainable decisions are made.

In the latest Navan Expense Guide, readers can learn how the benefits of sustainable business practices extend far beyond their simple environmental impact.

For example, did you know that American corporations spend $120 billion on printed forms every year? Or that the operating margins of companies with high Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) performance are 4.7x higher than their peers?

This guide outlines 3 actionable steps to align sustainable business practices with financial goals, including how to:

  • Rethink procurement by prioritizing sustainable suppliers
  • Go paperless so finance teams can streamline operations to save time and money
  • Integrate ESG into travel programs

Sustainable spend management sits at the intersection of “doing good” and “doing well”—and gives finance managers the opportunity to take a leadership role in building a better company and a better world.

Download the Guide “3 Key Steps Towards More Sustainable Spend Management” to get started today.

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