
The Real Numbers Behind the Navan Solution

Many Navan customers rave about the time and cost savings they’ve realized with this innovative travel, corporate card, and expense management solution. But what does that mean in real numbers for the typical company?

That’s exactly what Forrester set out to learn. They interviewed decision-makers at nine companies using Navan and aggregated the findings into a single composite organization.

The results offer up a clear picture with real numbers behind it, which you can see by downloading the Forrester report, The Total Economic ImpactTM of Navan.

Challenges of Legacy Travel & Expense Management Platforms

Prior to signing up with Navan, those interviewed for the Forrester study discussed having implemented a wide range of legacy solutions for travel and expense management. Along the way, they encountered a variety of challenges.

Here are just a couple of them, as documented in the Forrester report:

The Efficiency of the All-in-One Solution

The composite “company” created through the Forrester interviews for this study has 2,000 employees who generate 2,000 expense reports in the first year, totaling $8 million. During the year, 500 regular travelers take four trips, while 100 non-travelers submit 10 expense reports per year.

As the Forrester report finds, Navan saves time for everyone connected to this process, from travelers who book travel plans—and then have to submit expense reports—to travel managers, as well as the accounting and finance team members who have to process those expense reports and reconcile accounts.

In fact, the time saved on processing just a single expense report by using Navan Expense would make any finance team take notice.

How much time does each group save, on average? Get the answers by downloading the Forrester report, The Total Economic Impact of Navan.

How Navan Significantly Reduces Spend

Based on the same composite company, Forrester was able to detail how Navan delivers a significant reduction in travel spend.

Here’s the calculation they used: The number of trips starts at 2,000 in the first year of using the solution and grows 10% annually for the following two years. In addition, 80% of trips include a flight and average one night of lodging.

The Forrester report reveals a list of specific savings realized through Navan, which includes an eye-opening $150 per flight. And the savings extends into lodging, as well as what the lack of a booking fee. The result for this aggregate company: Hundreds of thousands of dollars over three years.

And the savings continue on the finance side, where accumulated rebates on total spend with Navan Expense results in hundreds of thousands of dollars more.

Plus, the report covers the unquantifiable benefits that Navan offers, including the greater agility that comes with real-time financial insights, as well as increased compliance thanks to Navan's automatic policy enforcement.

Exactly how much could a typical company save on each trip by using Navan? Find out: Download The Total Economic Impact of Navan.

Costs of Implementing Navan

So what’s holding companies back from realizing savings with Navan? For some, it’s a concern that the time and cost of implementation and training will be prohibitive. But according to the companies interviewed for the Forrester study, that’s absolutely not the case.

In fact, companies took on the quick task of implementation while handling the tasks of their daily routine. And training for admins was a breeze.

All in, the Forrester report offers clear evidence that companies of all sizes can quickly get up to speed with the Navan end-to-end solution and start realizing significant savings in time and costs—savings that will only grow over time.

See what your company could be saving right now. Download the Forrester report, The Total Economic Impact of Navan.

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