Technology & Innovation
New Navan Expense Features Improve the User Experience

New Navan Expense Features Improve the User Experience

Samantha Shankman

April 28, 2023
2 minute read
3 Ways Navan Expense Just Got Better

Navan Expense is revolutionizing how organizations handle their expenses by making the process faster, easier, and more convenient. The team is constantly iterating and improving the product, making the expense and payment process even better for travelers, admins, and approvers. 

Read on for more information about three feature updates that Navan released in April to make Navan Expense much more efficient and flexible for our users.

Improved Desktop Experience

The Navan team prioritized the mobile app experience when building Navan Expense because many of our users submit expenses while on the road. But we made one of our latest updates to accommodate the growing number of Web users. 

Now, travelers can log mileage, view policy details like assigned expense policies, and import transactions from their cards to get reimbursed through the Web, just like on the Navan mobile app. 

Improved Desktop Experience

Insight Intro Declined Transactions

In the Expense Admin dashboard, expense admins and approvers can now see declined Navan card transactions and their reasons in real time. The improved visibility allows stakeholders to troubleshoot effectively, identify decline patterns, and refine expense policies based on data.

Insight Intro Declined Transactions

Better Insights Into Spend Behavior

Previously, expense admins had to assign a transaction to a single department or create new items tied to user attributes. For example, an IT manager purchases two laptops for design and three for engineering. The manager couldn’t attribute the laptops to those teams without the additional granularity. 

With this update, Navan created custom HR fields at the item level. As a result, expense admins can more accurately manage their company’s expenses and gain insights into teams’ spending patterns, leading to more informed decision-making and cost savings.

Expense admins and users can now add different departments, cost centers, regions, or subsidiaries to their itemizations to ensure that expenses are correctly allocated and charged to the correct business area, which provides a more accurate view of spending. Users can itemize the values for these four HR fields if the policy permits. 

Custom HR Fields

We regularly share the latest feature updates so users can make the most of our product. We also highlight the engineers, product managers, and other employees dedicated to making Navan Expense the best T&E solution in the industry.

Learn more about Navan Expense and how it transforms the expense management process today.

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