Navan Introduces Sustainability Suite to Track & Reduce Carbon Emissions

Navan Introduces Sustainability Suite to Track & Reduce Carbon Emissions

The Navan Team

April 21, 2021
3 minute read
Blog Image // TripActions Introduces Sustainability Suite to Track & Reduce Carbon Emissions

Navan is built to foster the in-person connections that make life and work productive, rich, and pleasurable — but that goal means little if we don’t protect our planet in the process. In honor of Earth Day, Navan is excited to announce a new suite of real-time data, tools, and information designed to aid organizations in making sustainable decisions and reducing the environmental impact of their travel.

Aviation overall accounts for 2.5% of global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and dominates a frequent traveler’s individual contribution to climate change. Companies around the world are pledging to report and reduce their environmental impact on a quarterly and annual basis. A carbon budget is an integral part of tracking and shifting habits towards a more sustainable way of doing business. But sustainability goals mean nothing without real-time data and analytics to make informed choices.

In 2019, Navan began offering customers the ability to opt-in to receive carbon impact data at the corporate and traveler level to address increasing climate concerns. As businesses double down on their sustainability efforts, it is critical that companies have access to real-time insights regarding the carbon impact of their travel program. This data ensures businesses around the world make the decisions and changes necessary for a cleaner planet.

Alongside the current insights available at checkout and on the traveler’s profile page, Navan is today releasing three new products to support organizations:

Carbon Emission Budgeting

Starting today, organizations can create a budget based on their historical expenditure, Navan's recommendations, and industry benchmarking data — only available with Navan. Once they’ve created a budget, they can track against it to ensure travel emissions are controlled, managed, and reported.

Screenshot of the Navan carbon emissions dashboard

Real-Time CO2 Analytics Dashboard

Organizations now have granular real-time carbon data access and can identify carbon emissions by the department as well as the mode of travel. Access to this data will help organizations identify the kinds of business travel that emit the most CO2 in order to take real steps towards reducing their carbon footprint and building an accurate carbon emissions budget. Plus, you can now access the data via Navan's recently launched API.

A collage view of a carbon emissions analytics modal in the Navan app and a man having a good time on a vespa

New Emissions Calculators

Companies must have a sound, consistent methodology to measure their emissions. Through Navan, organizations can now access three globally recognized methodologies to accurately measure and track their progress, including DEFRATREMOD and ICAO (launched in 2019).


With access to this new information, organizations can truly harness data to make insight-driven decisions that minimize their carbon footprint and offset what can not be reduced.

“We have a goal to be carbon neutral by 2024. What it comes down to is that you have to measure first. Until you have some kind of a baseline, it's hard to say what you’re going to reduce or eliminate — you have to be measuring,” said Marilyn Johnson, Senior Director of Global Sustainability at Clarivate, on the sustainability panel at DESTINATIONS Europe.

Navan is dedicated to providing our customers with a platform that educates, informs, and reduces the impact of carbon emissions produced by travel.

Learn more about The Navan Carbon Stance here.

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