Cost Savings
TripActions Automates Airline Soft Dollar Usage

TripActions Automates Airline Soft Dollar Usage

Bill Pursell

April 8, 2021
Blog Image // TripActions Automates Airline Soft Dollar Usage

TripActions is leading the way once again in preserving corporate travel spend. Starting today, it is the first travel management company or online booking tool to automate the process of applying airline soft dollar funds to bookings.

Soft dollar management largely falls in the hands of travel managers and their agency. The result requires travel managers to spend valuable time making calls to apply the funds for every relevant booking. If not the travel managers themselves then agents are required to monitor every booking and clients’ funds to apply those funds where appropriate. It is an inefficient process that robs all stakeholders of time that can be spent on more strategic processes.

Additionally, since soft dollar allotments are replenished on a regular basis, this manual process has often led to vast amounts of funds going unused. Properly managing these funds requires a lot of time and attention. Travel managers should be spending their time optimizing the travel program, not worrying about administrative tasks like applying soft dollars to bookings.

TripActions is simplifying the whole process. If a client has soft dollars, it can automatically apply them to relevant bookings. There is no need to call in or set up a work-around process with a dedicated team of agents. Simply give us the thumbs up and we’ll ensure your soft dollar funds don’t go to waste.

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