Technology & Innovation
Introducing Trip Proposals for Seamless Approval Flow

Introducing Trip Proposals for Seamless Approval Flow

Samantha Shankman

June 29, 2020
2 minute read
Blog Image // Introducing Trip Proposals for Seamless Approval Flow

Navan is excited to announce our latest feature: Trip Proposals.

It is more important than ever that travel managers have complete visibility into bookings so that they can best manage costs while fulfilling duty of care responsibilities in today’s changing landscape. The process, however, must be intuitive to the travelers’ booking experience.

Navan's new Trip Proposals improve visibility, enhance control, and create a seamless approval process that benefits managers and traveling employees.

To get started, travel managers can set Trip Proposals as a requirement for their travelers in the policy section, which grants managers the ability to approve or deny a request prior to booking. The Navan AI algorithms then reliably estimate the overall trip cost based on real-time data, giving managers better visibility over their team members' potential spend.

The approval process is automated so notifications are sent after each step is completed, providing a transparent and seamless experience for all parties.

Five steps are automated for a fast, frictionless process that boosts visibility and duty of care:

1. Trip Proposals Policy Setting: Activate Trip Proposals based on policy levels, review and approve travel for your organization while safeguarding the experience of your most trusted travelers.

2. Create Trip Proposals: Create a new trip proposal giving it a name, describing the reason for taking it, adding your transport and/or lodging needs, and sending it for approval to your designated manager.

3. Search for Travel: Browse through Navan's extensive inventory and explore available options and prices before submitting your trip proposal for approval.

4. Manager Approval: Managers can approve or deny Trip Proposals in a single click. You can also provide a reason for denial.

5. Book: Once approved, travelers can book the requested travel effortlessly so they can focus on being there, not getting there.

TA Admin Dashboard Trip Proposal

While approvals were already part of the Manager Dashboard, allowing managers to receive booking details to review and approve before booking, this process is now automated and packaged neatly within the Trip Proposals flow.

To learn more about Trip Proposals, click the Policy tab on the Admin Dashboard and see the feature live today.

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This content is for informational purposes only. It doesn't necessarily reflect the views of Navan and should not be construed as legal, tax, benefits, financial, accounting, or other advice. If you need specific advice for your business, please consult with an expert, as rules and regulations change regularly.

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