Cost Savings
How Navan Transformed VEG's T&E Process

How Navan Turned This Company’s Messy T&E Process Into Savings and Scalability

Rich Beattie

April 10, 2024
2 minute read
Navan case study with Veterinary Emergency Group

In order to scale a business, sometimes you need to bring order to chaos.

That’s the position Veterinary Emergency Group (VEG) and its 4,000 employees found itself in with its T&E process. The organization, which provides urgent care for our furry friends, tried Concur and Expensify to manage expenses, but found both could handle only basic processes. “There was no special sauce,” said Brett Holloway, SVP of Finance for VEG.

Combined with an unmanaged travel program, VEG’s T&E process was not suitable for the massive growth the organization was experiencing.

On the expense management side, Navan delivered the special sauce that VEG was looking for. That’s because Navan features configurable, proactive policies that are automatically enforced and come to finance managers properly coded. And thanks to Navan’s dashboards, Holloway can see all expenses in real time.

On the travel side, having a managed travel program has brought the kind of savings and control that make for a game-changing experience. Holloway says that the organization has saved in the hundreds of thousands of dollars since implementing Navan’s all-in-one solution. “We’re spending about as little as we can on travel,” he said.

And that savings has been magnified by the efficiencies Navan has created. As VEG grows, it won’t need to hire additional admins — or the personnel to manage them — in order to handle the increase in travel and expenses.

VEG is an organization focused on scaling up, and Navan is excited to help power that growth.

Read more about how Navan helped transform VEG’s T&E program.

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