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Tinuiti Elevates Employee Experience, Streamlines Reporting with Navan

New York business trip itinerary on Navan

Tinuiti is a digital marketing agency with offices across the United States. Offering a full spectrum of services to the nation’s top brands, the company’s employees are often on the go.

However, the traveler experience provided by its previous travel booking tool left much to be desired. Tinuiti’s travel program had also matured to the point that the company needed to enhance operational efficiency of business travel.

Tinuiti aimed to provide a frictionless employee experience, streamline processes for HR and client teams, and give the finance team greater visibility and control.


  • Unreliable prepayment through former TMC
  • Inefficient reporting and expense management
  • Costly booking fees due to limited inventory

Results with Navan

  • Prepay made easy through the Pay Now feature
  • Travel spend reconciliation and reporting simplified
  • Average monthly savings of $2,600 on booking fees

Picture of a man kicking in the air

New Hires’ Travel Didn't Reflect Tinuiti’s Employee First Approach

Improving the employee onboarding experience was the number one reason the rapidly growing company looked to make a switch from its former travel management company (TMC). In the past, new hires had to put accommodation on personal credit cards for reimbursement after their travel.

That was far from the only headache:

  • Because the company's old TMC lacked integrations with Tinuiti's business systems, onboarding and offboarding employees was a tedious, manual process.
  • To access information for reconciliation, Tinuiti’s finance department had to email agents and wait for them to pass reports along.
  • Creating proposals for billable client travel meant lots of time was spent on back-and-forth emails.

A detailed look at three business travel interfaces using the Navan app on mobile

Streamlined Processes, Savings on Booking Fees

Tinuiti ultimately decided to switch to Navan because of its ability to streamline processes and save on booking fees.

Using the Pay Now feature, Tinuiti has eliminated the need for employees to put down a personal card for the hotel payment. And generating an accurate figure for billable travel is as easy as creating a proposal through Navan. Once approved, the employee simply books from the proposal with a few clicks.

A desktop view of a complete expense spend overview using the Navan app

Reporting and Reconciliation Made Easy

With Navan, Tinuiti’s finance team can access the data it needs in real time, at any time. And Navan has made reconciliation easier and more accurate, too. Before making the switch, finance had to manually reconcile each charge with the company card. “It was not only time-consuming, but also required a lot of guesswork,” said Mary Davis, Operations Project Manager at Tinuiti. “Navan's reconciliation tools save us up to four hours each close cycle and have added a greater level of confidence in the data.”

We love this system, we love the platform, and we’ve had great feedback from our employees. We made the right decision switching to Navan.

Mary Davis

Operations Project Manager

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