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Why SurveyMonkey Turned to Navan to Manage Travel Costs

Collage of Navan customer using the Navan app - mobile

SurveyMonkey helps the most innovative organizations develop big ideas by providing companies with data and insights on how their customers think. A leader in cloud-based online surveys, SurveyMonkey offers an easy-to-use platform that helps more than three million people each day. The company has grown rapidly by creating a culture of performance and prioritizing employee satisfaction.

For several years SurveyMonkey didn’t actively manage travel. After adopting American Express Global Business Travel (AMEX) and later Egencia, the company searched for an alternative solution that employees would embrace and that could deliver significant savings.

SurveyMonkey turned to Navan.


  • Inflexibility to modify travel plans
  • Inadequate back-end reporting with limited data and visibility
  • Minimal company savings

Results with Navan

  • One-stop-shop solution
  • Makes booking and managing travel easier for employees
  • User-friendly mobile app
  • Promotes smarter travel decisions by employees
  • Cost savings
  • Creates organizational alignment around travel

Photograph of a Navan traveler carrying their luggage and enjoying the Navan app

SurveyMonkey's prior travel solutions: frustrated employees, added costs

SurveyMonkey saw a disconnect between its focus on employee satisfaction and the frustration its travel solutions caused them.

Employees turned outside the system, looking to external sites for alternative travel options and a more mobile-friendly user experience. This made it impossible to have good visibility into employee travel habits or to manage travel costs.

A collage view of a San Francisco trip itinerary on the Navan mobile app and the Navan spend overview on the desktop app

Navan delivered everything SurveyMonkey needed

SurveyMonkey's finance team was initially attracted to Navan by the potential savings, but it quickly became clear the value was far greater. As a complete one-stop-shop solution, Navan:

  • Delivered an outstanding mobile-friendly user experience
  • Provided employees rewards for booking through Navan
  • Improved visibility with a real-time administrative dashboard
  • Allowed SurveyMonkey to consolidate where employees booked travel

The company’s leaders now see reduced travel costs and have real-time insights into their travel program.

A collage view of the expense reimbursements interface on the Navan mobile app and a man enjoying the Navan app on his phone

SurveyMonkey loves Navan

Navan has become loved by SurveyMonkey's employees. It makes finding, booking, and changing travel easy. Plus, earning rewards for saving company money has become a well-known perk throughout the organization.

Looking forward, SurveyMonkey is considering additional ways to realize even greater value from Navan. This includes making even better business decisions about travel spending and utilizing Navan's duty-of-care tools to gain greater visibility of traveling employees, helping keep travelers safe.

Navan promotes far better travel decisions, makes it easier for employees to book travel, rewards employees for making better travel decisions, and actually saves the company money.

K. D.

VP of Finance

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