Learn how to add your company travel policy to Navan.
Find out how to manually upload your employee user list to the Navan platform.
Find out how to connect your HRIS system to Navan using Merge to keep your user list updated.
Find out how to set up user permissions and access in the platform.
Get a whistle-stop tour of how to navigate the travel admin dashboard including analysis, reports, and safety.
Find out how to create guest profiles which you can use to invite external people to book their travel through Navan.
Find out how to create group travel bookings for team events and offsites.
Get an overview of your company expense policy and how to configure your account.
Find out how to use the Navan expense management dashboard to analyse spend data, review statements, and track payments.
Find out how to review out-of-policy expenses. You can approve, request partial or full repayment, or request additional information.
Find out how to set up user permissions and access in the platform.
Find out how to set up your profile on Navan, including adding your passport information, loyalty programmes, and linking your calendar.
Find out how to book a trip, including flights, trains, and hotels.
Find out how to book a flight using Navan.
Find out how to reserve and pay for a rental car using Navan.
Find out how to book a trip on behalf of others after your admin has granted you delegate access.
Find out how to amend or cancel a trip you have already booked with Navan.
Find out how to get support through the Navan Help Centre.
Find out how to set up your calendar integration, add your personal cards, and attach your bank account to the platform.
If you've been given a Navan corporate card for your expenses, this video will walk you through how to order your card.
Find out how to submit an out-of-pocket expense using the Navan app.
Find out how to get support through the Navan Help Centre.
See where Navan will take your company
This content is for informational purposes only. It doesn't necessarily reflect the views of Navan and should not be construed as legal, tax, benefits, financial, accounting, or other advice. If you need specific advice for your business, please consult with an expert, as rules and regulations change regularly.