
SumUp switches to Navan and sees big savings and a 23% increase in platform adoption


  • 19%

    savings on hotels

  • 23%

    higher platform adoption

  • 14%

    savings on flights

London-based fintech SumUp helps over four million small businesses around the world manage payments and finance. With offices on four continents and a people-first company culture, SumUp needed a travel and expense (T&E) partner that enabled its employees to travel frequently for team events and offsites worldwide.

Before Navan—the problem

Before Navan, SumUp used three separate solutions for T&E, creating significant inefficiencies. Employees were wasting time on manual integrations rather than strategic tasks.

Booking travel was time-consuming and many people booked off-platform as a result. Managing expenses was a painful, manual process. 

The finance team had no visibility of spend and often received expenses long after a trip. As Daniel Mitev, Accounting Supervisor, remembers, it was “a nightmare”. Daniel’s team also lacked quality data to optimise programme performance, leading to missed savings opportunities.

“Our previous solutions were time-consuming, multilayered, and non-intuitive.”

Victoria Tuong

Senior Talent Acquisition Partner

Why SumUp chose Navan

SumUp wanted a partner that not only had the best product but also shared its passion for technological innovation and in-person connections. In Navan it found a close cultural fit.

Navan’s end-to-end T&E solution streamlined SumUp’s previously disparate solutions into one easy-to-use platform.

SumUp also needed a solution that gave its employees the ability to book travel and gather insights on programme performance self-sufficiently and with ease. Navan’s self-serve booking tool and intuitive data dashboards met this requirement.

The Navan effect

In just over half a year, SumUp has already seen big improvements to its T&E programme.

The comprehensive onboarding process enabled SumUp to optimise its programme at speed and start seeing instant results.

Navan’s integration with SumUp’s HRIS, Workday, means data updates are automated in real time, saving the accounting team from manual data entry.

Above all, the consumer-grade experience means “people are actually enjoying the solution as it improves their quality of life at work,” says Victoria Tuong, Senior Talent Acquisition Partner. This is reflected in the NPS score (47) and the significant increase in platform adoption (up to 23%).

“Now the team has all the solutions they need in one platform, they’re more autonomous. Navan has given us the agility and flexibility we need while being engaging, intuitive, and easy to use.”

Victoria Tuong

Senior Talent Acquisition Partner

The benefits SumUp is seeing

Teams across the company are reaping the rewards of having a seamless, integrated solution:


  • Book travel quickly
  • Enjoy an extensive content selection
  • Get clear policy guardrails
  • Can forget about manual expense reports


  • See T&E spend in real time
  • Analyse data with granularity
  • Get in-depth programme performance insights

Travel managers:

  • Track programme performance and tweak travel policies in real time
  • See platform adoption increase


  • Enjoy the benefits of end-to-end automation — no more manual expense reporting or chasing missing information from travellers

“We have full visibility, the dashboards are really clear, and we get the data we need with one click.”

Yordan Stoyanov

Senior Manager Financial Processes

Looking ahead

After half a year of fast gains, SumUp’s objective now is to fully optimise its T&E programme by: 

  • Using dashboard data and insights to continue optimising travel policies and make further savings.
  • Implementing Navan for SumUp employees globally (currently it’s used by US and EMEA employees).
  • Continuing to boost platform adoption by promoting the Navan Rewards programme to employees.
  • Using Ava, Navan’s internal AI solution, to get more insights into cost-saving opportunities.

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